
EVMavericks Weekly Updates every Monday!


Last updated: 5/7/2023

EVMavericks Weekly #17: May 1-7, 2023

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🦁Everything you need to know about the last week in EVMavericks in less than 69.6 seconds 👇

  1. We are exploring pursuing a membership in Rocket Pool’s oDAO. Vote closes soon

  2. General criteria for Buidlathon projects were announced by etheraider

  3. Ethfinance Weekly Doots #18! With a guest Daniel | Founder of Swell

  4. Exploring the option of going for Public Goods Large Grants by ENS

  5. To some degree, we revisited a conversation about adding more value to holders of EVMavericks NFTs.

  6. Thousands more messages in the degen chat!
